“Doc” Ray Crawley arrived on the Agawam campus as a 12 year old first year camper in 2006.  He was one of the first boys to arrive from the Link Community School in Newark, NJ. The Link School, like Agawam, provides students with a positive environment where they can develop and grow to achieve their maximum potential. After a year as a senior Club in 2010, “Doc” was a full staff member from 2012 – 2017, serving as Basketball Activity Head all 5 years and earned increased responsibility as campus Unit Head in his last 3 years on staff.  Currently “Doc” is the Manager of Game-U in Flemington, NJ. Game-U, with 10 different locations in NJ, NY and Ohio, provides an after school program for children aged 6-16 which teaches them all the how to build their own video games and robots.

What years were you at Agawam?

I was a camper from 2006-09, Senior Club in 2010 and on staff 2012 – 17.

How did you find out about Camp?

I was a student at the Link Community School in Newark and received one of their Agawam scholarships starting when I was 12.

Are there any similarities between the Link School and Agawam?

Yeah- they’re both about the growth and development of the kids in a positive environment. Student – Faculty ratios at the school were about 9:1. Agawam had 2 counselors in every cabin.  You could always get individual help from someone if you needed it. A lot of the stuff I was learning at school was reinforced and furthered during my years at camp.

You grew up in Newark, NJ. What was it like when you first arrived at Agawam?

It was weird. The longest I’d ever been away from home was 2 nights, on a Boys and Girls Club camping trip. Now I was going to be away for 7 weeks!  But the first person I ran into was “FM” Horrigan. Right after I got there, he and I threw around a Frisbee for about 30 minutes and talked. After that I was pretty comfortable, and I was a pro at tossing a Frisbee.

What are you doing now?

I live in Scotch Plains NJ. For work I’m the manager of the Flemington branch of Game-U, where we teach kids the basic of learning code- how to build their own video games in a fun environment. We have 30 part time instructors that report to me, and we have about 110 students that are currently enrolled in one of our after-school programs.

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about camp?

Kids running around having fun and not worrying about image.

How has Agawam influenced you?

In a couple of ways.  It broke me out of my shell. When I first got to camp, I was not very outgoing. But camp showed me how you can all be wearing the same uniform, but you’re still unique and have to make yourself known.  Camp pulled the “real” me out and showed it to the world in a way that was positive.

What is your favorite memory of your days at Camp?

My favorite is my first year as a counselor in a 15-year old cabin – getting to know the boys so well outside of just their camp lives. It was a great experience to see how much a 15-year old could have an impact on my life.

Was there anyone at Agawam who had a really positive influence on you?

I think my friends.  We were campers at the same time and went on to be staff members together. We’re all long term friends. I’m still in touch with them regularly today. We went through a lot together – it’s always positive.

Are you looking forward to the 100th Celebration and Reunion?

Oh yeah. I can’t wait.

Ag or Wam?
